Join the Global Movement for Data-Driven Fertility Education!
At in-fertility, we bring together professionals and organizations from across the globe, all dedicated to empowering individuals with data-driven fertility education. Through innovative campaigns like FerTeen and Stories in-fertility, we’re transforming the conversation around fertility—its protection, understanding, and treatment. It’s a game-changer for future generations.
For too long, the focus has been solely on preventing pregnancies and avoiding STDs, with little emphasis on actual fertility planning. We’ve taught teenagers how not to get pregnant, but neglected to educate them about their reproductive health for the future. Times have changed. Today, more women are trying to conceive later in life, often without the knowledge they need about fertility. At in-fertility, we are passionate about changing that—because early education can prevent the heartbreak of infertility down the road. Do you share this vision? Join us today and become part of a global movement that’s reshaping fertility education for generations to come!
FerTeen Card, the revolution in Fertility Education
The 2024-2025 school year will mark the rise of #InTheFertility, and we’re thrilled to introduce the #FerTeenCard—a groundbreaking tool for fertility education aimed at the next generation. But it’s not just for teens! The FerTeen Card is designed to spark healthy, open conversations about fertility and basic biology between teens, their parents, and teachers—topics that have too often been considered taboo. Whether you’re a professional in the fertility field, or you have a child, sibling, or friend whose future you care about, this is something you cannot afford to miss. Join the movement today—reach out to us and discover how you can make a difference. Yes, you! Don’t wait—take the first step now and help shape the future of fertility education. More about the FerTeen Project here.
Telling a story is the best way of giving hope. Especially in-fertility, where people often remain silent or alone. We know that ever since we started collecting the #storiesinthefertility. Most of them make unbelievable reading. Powerful, emotional and really worth checking out. Search for your country or diagnose and see how others coped and then share your story.
Your daughter might think a woman is naturally fertile until the age of 50. She might also know very little about the risks to her fertility. Slovakia has launched a unique project for the 16 to 18 years old with great success and huge support from gynaecologists and schools. Now the FerTeen project, it’s curriculum and questionnaire are available to your country.
in-fertility offers unique advice by the world’s leading specialists, using clinically proven products and methods – the Guide in-fertility: Planning a baby? The main goal of the Guide in-fertility full of up-to-date, accurate information is to assist you to make the right choices from the very beginning of your journey to boost your fertility, conceive & have a baby.
Roadmap in-fertility is a unique project created not only for the people with difficulties conceiving or those already diagnosed with subfertility, infertility, and those who are treated. This tool is also going to be widely used for orientation among specializations, diagnoses, and symptoms by students, especially in healthcare areas, media, and various organizations.
It’s surprising, but your biggest enemy is right at home. Actually, wait—it’s also at work, in your car, on public transport, in restaurants and cafés, at the park, when visiting friends, on vacation… basically everywhere. According to the latest scientific research, the greatest threat to fertility is a sedentary lifestyle. Everyone involved with…
“By all we know now, we have left down several generations of women.” says Denisa Priadková, Founder of the global network in-fertility and its successful project FerTeen with #WeTeachFertility. “They have been led to believe all they needed to know about their fertility was contraception, use of condoms, how to avoid STD and unwanted pregnancy….
What is menstruation? Menstrual effluent or ME as it is called, provides an entire encyclopaedia of information on #femalehealth. Without the need of invasive needles, the substance we usually call blood and consider waste, the menstrual effluent can tell us a lot about fertility. Containing endometrial tissue with viable cells, immune cells, nucleic acids, proteins,…
Recognising the signs of ovulation, the release of a mature egg from one of the ovaries, which in case your reproductive health is ok happens every month — is key when you’re trying to get pregnant. That’s because you can only conceive around the time of ovulation. That is why we #inthefertility have asked hundreds…
For parts of the world, sunshine is coming back, but still not enough to provide for sufficient levels of vitamin D in our bodies. In the world of reproduction, the importance of vitamin D was initially shown in experiments with mice. Mice who are either deficient in vitamin D, or who lack the vitamin D…
In our summer blogs in-fertility often directs your attention to why this time of the year poses so much risk to female reproductive health. It shows it is not just the infection risk lurking in a variety of pools, lakes and rivers, coming hand in hand with dehydration. You might feel dizzy and lightheaded, however,…
Billions of dollars and basically all other currencies are being spent on IVF, the treatment providing complicated medical and lab options to have a child in case you face issues conceiving the child naturally. With Covid-19, millions of women are being afraid of the spike of “new reasons” for infertility, caused by the vaccine, believed…
“Never bigger than a soap bubble,” remembers Sasha her child. A tall woman with velvet kindness in her voice in her late thirties, with so many strange feelings, memories and emotions today. Every time she miscarried, always way too soon after having a BFP, she was assured she would get pregnant again and has heard…
FerTeen – the first and best fertility education project for teens
Exactly six years ago we have started the #FerTeen initiative, long before those lobbying for IVF discovered teens and fertility. Being copied is fine as you know you are doing a good job and teen girls and boys need every correct and ethical piece of information on their reproductive health they can get. However, few of the current initiatives are driven by altruism and not one association’s or company’s research and experience is as long and extensive as ours #inthefertility, which goes back to 2006. in-fertility has launched the global #fertilityeducation campaign of the successful multinational project officially in November 2020 and our great team from over 20 countries is looking forward to continuing the work in-fertility network pioneered! You are welcome to join. E-mail us and we will let you know how.